Watch! Our best days are yet to come.
Your President on Rumble Donald J. Trump (
The Russian Collusion was an attempt to overthrow the US government.
Impeachments 1 & 2 were attempts to overthrow the US government.
The 2020 election was the successful overthrow of the US government.
And the J6 Committee was the coverup for the overthrow of the US government.
The Truth about January 6th
Swamp Them with Votes.
Make it Too Big to Rig.
Vote BEFORE Election Day
Volunteer by visiting the below link
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Commit to chase Votes in battleground States
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Winslow Twp Sample Ballots for all 4 Wards
Sample ballot Ward -3
Sample ballot Ward -1
Sample ballot Ward -2
Sample ballot Ward -4
Don’t know what Ward you belong?
No Problem. Scroll down some and click on the WinslowWardMap link.
The NJ Congressional District-1 is filled with brainwashed people that depend on subsidies who will vote for their democrat masters, no matter what.
No Cross Donald Don Quixote Norcross has No chance, nevertheless.
New Jersey is in play. Find your preferred race in this state and do what you can where your buck can make the most difference.
Noticed how the DemonRats placed signs with the names of their candidates for the Primaries around Winslow!
(Watkins in Ward-3 was holding the microphone for the late Mayor Barry Wright back in 2020 for the Mayor to ask voters to vote for that creature Joe Biden)
Vote this sleazeball Out!
Support Linda Young in Ward-3
Vote for Gerard Lamola and Gerard McManus for the Winslow School District !
Curtis Bashaw was not our choice in the Primaries, but now is the time to beat the Democrats. So, make his name known. His following online is Not where it needs to be.
@BashawforSenate is his handle on X (formerly Twitter).
This is huge. The Senate is where it is at, and the Dems have the dough. But the Dems don’t have Trump, we do!
Home – Curtis Bashaw for U.S. Senate (
It is REGISTER People to VOTE Time !
this link below takes you to the Voter Registration for Camden County NJ
68-voter-registration-english-camden.pdf (
If you don’t feel comfortable doing this to Register others, leave it to those who know:
Scott Presler knows !
Or, use the link from NJ GOP here
You can work from home you say,
Go to the Action page on this site and you will find things to Do!
Lara Trump is the Republican National Committee co-Chair!
Winslow was there, Nov-Dec 2020. You, yes, you that didn’t speak then, raise your voice now!
The kneeling for blm Federal Bureau of Imbeciles was there too, ha, HaHa
Aaron Lewis – Am I the Only One
(skip ads lower right corner).
WinslowWardMap Click on this link to the left to view a Map of Winslow Election Wards.
Zoom in to view street level detail.
Follow our Real President by going to Home | Donald J. Trump (
Did you create your TruthSocial account yet?
Winslow Township allowed BLM supporting article to be published in its Connections newsletter in 2020!
No wonder this country is seeing animals looting stores 4 years straight.
From whore Camel Harris to local Democrat run governments, burning, looting and murder was legitimized.
“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” A. Lincoln
There is a Rutgers professor claiming that obese black women are a result of racism.
And we bet you are not surprised with that.
Know also, that this animal, and we are quoting her, says:
“Whiteness is going to have an end date,” she warns. “We gotta take these muthafuckers out.”
Her name is Brittney Cooper. And you are still paying taxes towards her professor salary.
Tracy Budd – Assistant Teaching Professor at Rutgers posted Online right after the Assassination Attempt on President Trump:
“Let’s hope today’s events inspire others” and “They shot his wig. Sad.”
This is WAR. Us against the Cartels of Mexico and the Cartels of Democrats INTENTIONALLY Destroying America.
Duplicate ballots – as many as needed – watch
ZuckerBucks 2020
Watch Democrats on record about Questioning Election Results
Watch Hussein Obama for yourself here
“One day we will realize that the Barack Obama presidency was the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.”
Clint Eastwood
Winslow voters, you went from having a Kennedy loving Democrat Mayor to a Hussein loving one.
Go to if you want to learn about the vaccines!
The best part about being a “conspiracy theorist” is not having myocarditis.
The imbecile illegitimate vegetable, sucking ice cream below got 81M votes. Sure thing.
Watch Hunter Biden argue with a hooker about how much crack he has.
Have you read Kamala’s book “How to Suckseed”?
Don Quixote – Donald Norcross in the midst of wars(invasion at the Border and war in Ukraine), found his way to wind turbines of Denmark(Greenland) last year, and came back to fill us in on his wind energy plan! In the meantime, Europeans are paying 3 times more for electricity since he left ! Norcross is part of the Green New Steal Cartel.
At the Cherry Hill Town Hall, in 2022, this environmental commie, dared to think and mention of the Washington Monument in DC as a measuring stick and majesty of his wind turbines.
While BLM were chanting “What do we want? Dead cops!“, Don No Cross found the time to secure some votes back in the summer of 2020!
Meteorologist Exposes the Climate Change Hoax
Ridding the world of fossil fuels will drive humanity back to medieval times
Environmental Communists of Camden County and the electrician Don Quixote Norcross are going to tell you that “sustainable means of public transportation and relying less on carbon emitting, traditional vehicles” is the way of having “affordable“, and “clean” energy.
These same environmental communists pushed for a war in Ukraine “fighting” the oil rich Russia. They don’t care about Christians killing Christians by the thousands. And they don’t care about how much You are going to pay for the electricity that they will control. Their goal is to control You through controlling your source of energy.
Western Europe citizens are already paying 3-5 times more for electricity compared with One year ago. And revolts in England, Italy and elsewhere are underway.
Have you heard of Climate lockdowns! Watch this.
Climate change is a tool to transfer power and $ to Democrats.
Watch NetZero emissions here (cobalt mine)
Attention Winslow voters, more BLM lovers are trying to get into the School Board!
All Board of Education people in Winslow are Democrats.
Save your children!
Have you looked at the Winslow School District website lately – it is your money, paying all these Democrats employed in various man-made positions. Navigate deep enough to see their salaries.
Winslow Township Schools (
NJEA – New Jersey Education Association is a political arm of the Democrats.
The children are being indoctrinated with “diversity” and transgender studies.
Make sure to deprogram your children each day if they must attend public schools
Masks do absolutely nothing
Climate Change is a scam
Systemic Racism Doesn’t exist
Socialism doesn’t work
There are only two genders
Parents are their best teachers in life
In New Jersey, the same Governor that gave the executive order that caused the deaths of 10k+ seniors, released murderers from jail cause of covid even though there was a vaccine, for which vaccine Pfizer made $9.9B in profit in the second quarter 2022 alone.
Democrats kill babies. Mutilate grown children too.
Save your children!
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia gives puberty blockers to 8-year-olds, transition surgeries at 14
Go here and see for yourself.
If this sounds hyperbolic, consider that just a few decades before Columbus’ first voyage, Constantinople had fallen to Muslim invaders — and that it was only in that same year of 1492 that Christians reclaimed the Iberian Peninsula in the Reconquista.
Christendom had been in a battle for survival through five centuries of invasions and crusades. The riches of the New World, tapped first by Columbus, ensured the safety of Western Europe and laid the groundwork for its global dominance.
NY Post October 11, 2020
Do Not ignore the Action page on this site.
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